"hey, guess what! :D"
( how my evening went. )
I knew from the stat, that this project was going to be a toughy. Tears were to be shed, friendships tested and emotions reaching their limits...but this was ridiculous! I didn't think it was going to be this stressful. XD We had to go through two "misplacing"s of the camera, a problem with uploading of eps3, (pictures will be shared), and with time itching closer to the due date, wouldn't you be losing sleep too?? Plus, this DEV project required a huge amount of organization, discipline, and time management....all of which i don't have. Bluntly said, this project was some heavy duty work. But with all the mishaves and troubles our group faced, it feels really good to know that "WE'RE DOOOONEE~!". I'm glad that i had you guys with me, because with out you two, pj and dion, who knows where i could've ended up. Asylum,Asylum,Asylum.
• Why did you choose the concepts you did to create your problem set?
There were probably numerous among numerous of reasons to why we chose the type of questions that we did. But for me, and im pretty sure pj and dion would agree too, it was based on two main concepts;
a)Problems that we had trouble from previous encounterment, and
b)problems that we thought would best flow with our storyline.
We did this, not out of sheer random, but because we knew it would benefit us later on. (especially with that provincial exam lingering around the corner). By creating problems with the units that we lacked confidence in, gave us a chance to change that. When developing those questions, we not only had to know how to achieve the answer, but we had to understand it, and explain the process in detail too. Ultimately, this meant mastering our worse technique. Plus, complications like; not using correct methods or altering certain terms to make the consistent answer look pretty, (pj's specialty. Seriously, the kid has a talent. He was able to make math that looked like "aljsoinovijkdlkfjs" translate/equal to one's and zeros. It was beautiful. XD Question 5, if you dont take my word for it),was very time consuming. And keep in mind, these questions were the type that we had the most trouble with, meaning frustration hung heavy on our shoulders.
• How do these problems provide an overview of your best mathematical understanding of what you have learned so far?
Im not sure if im interpreting this question correctly,but the fact that i was able to create questions from units i was iffy about, means a lot. It shows that i went from not firmly grasping the concepts, to understanding them enough to do wonders. These questions are proof that we were able to learn from our mistakes, either if they were from dreaded tests(exaggeration), or horrid quizzes(exaggeration). If that doesn't show our progress,what else could?
• Did you learn anything from this assignment? Was it educationally valuable to you? (Be honest with this. If you got nothing out of this assignment then say that, but be specific about what you didn't like and offer a suggestion to improve it in the future.)
First and foremost, this project allowed me to learn an abundance amount of pre-cal knowledge. This project to me, was like concrete to potholes. It patched up the holes in my understanding of pre-cal40s, and helped pave a smoother road in life. (of course, this feeling was not until after the project was done.) And yes, if it wasn't obvious enough, this project was educationally valuable to me. (:
Dion, Pj, thank you for making this project funner than it should have been. (:
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